Holistic Development

Develop your students' to be more self-directed in their learning

Enable students to take responsibility for setting their own goals, identifying their own learning needs, and selecting the resources and strategies necessary to achieve their goals.


Support your students' holistic development

Holistic development for a comprehensive educational journey


Our online marketplace makes it easy for your teachers to administer diverse school programs, simplifying tracking student participation, achievements, and works.

student e-portfolio

Personalized e-Portfolio

Automatically generate personalised e-Portfolios for your students to keep trak of their achievements and past works, to support their holistic development.


Effortlessly administer school-related or well-being surveys across various student groups (by level, class, or teaching groups), saving your teachers the hassle of having to manually generate different surveys and links.


Social Network Analysis (SNA)

Leverage on the powerful concept of SNA to identify cliques and outliers within each class to tackle issues like bullying, social mixing and social exclusion.

Goal Setting

Utilizing the P.I.E.S framework, our goal setting module encourages students to cultivate positive goal setting habits and track them effectively.

Task & Calendar Management

Encourage your students to develop better time management habits by prioritising their tasks, setting deadlines, and maintaining to-do lists.


Entice students intrinsically by incorporate fun elements like points, badges and leaderboards with healthy competition.

Data Wall

Easily extract and download valuable data collected based on your interest into excel format that you can easily share with your school’s management.


Education is about more than just classroom learning – it’s about creating a holistic and engaging learning environment that meets the needs of all students. One of the most important aspects of creating such an environment is administering school-related programmes and activities that allow students to explore their interests, develop new skills, and showcase their achievements. However, administering these programmes can be time-consuming and complex. 

That’s where our online marketplace comes in – a powerful tool that can streamline the programme administration process and help teachers keep track of student participation, achievements, and works.

Personalized e-Portfolio

We know how tedious and challenging it can be for schools and teachers to keep track of students’ learning progression and achievements throughout their student life. Most schools are still tracking these information through manual ways via physical hard copies. Often, these information may get lost or may not be the most up to date.

Our student e-portfolio helps to streamline this process by having a digital collection of work and accomplishments that showcase a student’s journey throughout their academic life. By collecting a range of evidence of student learning, such as artwork, videos, and reflections, e-portfolios provide a holistic picture of a student’s strengths, challenges, and growth areas. This can help teachers and parents identify areas where a student may need additional support or recognition.


Our survey module is a powerful tool designed to empower students with a voice in shaping their educational experience. Our user-friendly interface makes it easy for teachers of all backgrounds to easily administer friendship surveys to different groups of students in just a few clicks – by grade, class, teaching groups or even co-curricular activities. Say goodbye to manually creating numerous Google Forms for different groups of students!

Social Network Analysis (SNA)

Some of the most pressing issues facing schools today are bullying and social exclusion, which can have a profound impact on students’ mental health and academic performance. That’s where Social Network Analysis (SNA) comes in.

SNA is a powerful tool that can help teachers demystify social interactions amongst students and take action to address them. A sociogram is a visual representation of the friendship ties among their students which depicts the relationships between individuals in a social network.

Beyond that, our intelligent platform also provide key metrics (e.g. centrality measures) and findings to help teachers identify potential outliers and cliques formation.

To help teachers gain richer understanding of the social network dynamics beyond social connections alone, our platform allows them to overlay other student attributes such as gender, academic performance and conduct grades.

Goal Setting

Based on the P.I.E.S (Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, and Social) framework, our goal setting module serves as a transformative tool for students’ holistic development. It actively cultivates students’ ability to set and achieve goals, fostering crucial habits that enhance their overall growth and development.

Task & Calendar Management

Our tasks feature can help students prioritise their tasks and manage their time effectively. By breaking down their responsibilities into manageable chunks and setting realistic deadlines, students can ensure that they stay on track and avoid procrastination. This can help students avoid the stress and anxiety that comes with last-minute cramming and can lead to better academic performance. 

Having to-do lists can also help students stay organised and focused. By keeping all of their tasks and deadlines in one place, students can easily see what needs to be done and when to avoid feeling overwhelmed.


Gamification is designed to inject an element of fun and motivation into the student experience. With engaging components like leaderboards, points, and badges, students embark on an exciting journey of learning and achievement. Leaderboards foster healthy competition, spurring students to excel academically and socially. Earned points act as a tangible representation of their efforts, providing a sense of accomplishment. Badges celebrate milestones, encouraging students to explore diverse skills and subjects. By seamlessly integrating game elements into the educational process, we aim to transform learning into an immersive and rewarding adventure for every student.

Data Wall

Our cutting-edge data wall simplifies the extraction of valuable insights gathered from our platform, empowering teachers to conduct in-depth analysis or create comprehensive reports for their school administration. With customizable filters, educators can handpick the specific data they need, while access controls ensure that designated staff members, aligned with your school’s preferences, can securely retrieve this information.

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Empower your teachers with the insights to elevate student wellness and support their holistic development.